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Green Berghaus Tent in Beech Woodland in the Autumn

Wild Spaces: Unedited

Capturing the essence of our Wild Spaces has been the goal since day one, revealing the intertwined stories of the wildlife, landscapes, people, history and seasons within them. Alongside a selection of our favourite shots, we have teamed up with the innately talented Tom Dauben to capture a spellbinding series, depicting a year in our Wild Spaces. Enjoy

If you would like to purchase an original & high resolution A3 or A4 print from Tom's series, please visit our store to place an order. You can also request a print for any of the photos shown below by emailing the team.

Meet Tom

The man behind the lens.

From the moment we came across Tom's ability to honestly capture the natural world around us, we have become a little bit obsessed. So, when he agreed to commissioning a series for the project, to say we were stoked is a huge understatement.

In Tom's own words:

"I haven’t edited a photo since 2018. Not even cropped or straightened a single one since it leaves the camera.

Nature is beautiful, I’ve found it incredibly rewarding working with this beauty and the limitations of what I can achieve in the outdoors rather than in front of a screen.

Producing and sharing 100% unedited images has been really liberating. I’m excited to be working with the CampWild team to spend time outdoors and share authentic experiences with you."

  • Instagram
Tom Dauben

Capture a moment.

Whether you want to look back fondly on a recent adventure to our Wild Spaces, want daily inspiration to plan your next one or simply want to marvel at the beauty we have hidden in the UK. We have teamed up with Creative Hub, a carbon neutral print house, to bring you our favourite selection, in A3 & A4 original, high-resolution prints. Each print comes with a border ready to be framed the way you like it. If you would like a different print type or would like to request a print of another image, please get in touch. 

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